Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Worst December Ever!

Everything was going okay; I'd have slight pain every now and then. It was just sensitivity in my teeth and would sometimes feel like sinus pains. In 2007 the pain went away for about 3 months so I stopped taking my meds. I got married in November 2007 and not so long after got laryngitis. The doctor told me before that viral infections do affect the nerves and that this was possibly how my neuralgia started in the first place because I’m quite prone to throat infections.

The first week of December 2007, just after I had laryngitis, I was in the car, the aircon was on, I was wearing an Alice band that rests right on the sensory nerve behind the ear, after reaching our destination I started feeling weak and drowsy. My husband suggested I eat something thinking that maybe I was hungry, after chewing for only a little while I had one of the worst attacks I’ve ever had. I was rushed to an emergency ward where I was lucky to find a doctor that actually knew what trigeminal neuralgia was. He gave me valium which helped allot. He also asked me to go back onto my Neurontin but to take a higher dosage. Which I did. The whole of the next day I was drugged and then the day after that I was in another emergency ward having another attack, then the next day I was drugged and after the meds ware off I was having another attack. This went on for over a month.

It was the worst December of my life. I found myself in emergency wards were nurses where wiping my tears of my face and causing more pain to me because of them touching my face because they didn’t know anything about trigeminal neuralgia. Doctors that saw to me told my husband that there was nothing wrong with me and I was just addicted to drugs, and this they probably thought again because they aren’t educated about the disease and because I was telling them what drugs to give me (because I had been through it so many times I knew what helped and what didn’t) so I guess it would seem like I was a drug addict, the doctor seeing me would often phone a neurologist and obviously I couldn’t talk so my husband would speak for me and so the neurologist would tell the doctor if her husband says she has trigeminal neuralgia give her morphine.

But after that they would just insert a drip without the slightest of care and then if it wasn’t inserted properly they'd pull it out and jab it into another vein. I was treated horribly almost everywhere that I went. But I took the horrible treatment because I needed the pain killers and they were the only ones that could give it to me, I remember sitting in the emergency room overhearing the doctor telling my husband that they aren’t going to give me anything because I’m just a drug addict, the pain was so intense that I would punch the wall over and over again to try distract myself from the pain in my face. But these meds would only help for a day if even and then the pain would come back and I’d have another attack.

My neurologist was on holiday and I had to beg the referral doctor to see me, he did and didn’t even look me in the eyes when speaking because it was like I was inconveniencing him, so he just gave me a prescription for tegretol and sent me home after I paid a fat bill for 5 minutes that wasn’t done with any care.

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