Tuesday, October 5, 2010

2nd Removal of Solitary Fibrous Tumor April 2010

I saw the surgeon and told him that I would do the Bone-flap operation and do what ever it took to remove this entire tumor while I could. He told me that the operation would be performed by him and another Eye surgeon who specialized in this kind of problem. He discussed my case with the other surgeon who suggested that they do not cut and do the bone flap they will rather go in under the eye ball and use something called a Burr (used to shape diamonds) to shave the socket to make more space to remove the tumor entirely, if during surgery they find that it is still difficult to remove the tumor this way they would then decide to do the bone flap as a last resort. I was happy with this decision and know that I was in the best hands and that they were so concerned with my case and I was treated like an individual not just another number… I knew they would do whatever it took to help me.

I went into surgery on the 18th April 2010… I was so concerned that the TN would start up after the op that I asked the surgeon if he could keep me in hospital even though the op was just a day procedure, if they could keep me just to monitor me during the night and give me medication if the pain was unbearable… I went into theatre and was introduced to the second surgeon who asked me if he could photograph my eye, to which I said yes hoping that anything I was going through could be used for the greater good of others. I woke up after they wheeled me out of theatre and my mum whispered in my ear that they didn’t cut and do the bone-flap, this was such a relief, I remember feeling pain though and they gave me meds and later that evening I woke up and ate and could go to the bathroom myself…

The next day when the surgeon looked at my eye there was no blood clots no bruising… just swelling that would soon go down. He explained that just by shaving the socket a little it loosened the tumor which they removed in one piece and they were confident that no tumor tissue was left behind… this was such a relief. The only thing I was struggling with was looking to my sides; I had double vision when looking to the extreme left or right. This he said will go away with time…

It did not trigger off the neuralgia and its been six months since that operation…
In fact today was my follow-up appointment & everything is still perfect, no sign of that tumor again :o)

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